Sunday, 25 October 2020

The more things change

We have witnessed so many changes during this year. I cannot even remember what it feels like not to wear a mask or to constantly have to sanitise my hands. We are in the midst of a pandemic that I could never have dreamt of experiencing in my lifetime. The pandemic has affected every aspect of our lives and isolated us behind masks and from human contact.

The things that stay the same through all these social changes are the ones that help to maintain one's sanity. It is October and driving through the valley is a joy as always. The valley is beautiful in late spring, with the patchwork of fresh green vineyards and orchards hugging the Karoo veldt in places.

All along the Breede River, vineyards and orchards fill what used to be the river flood plain. The natural Karoo veldt that still covers the slopes of hills and mountains, gives one an idea why this area used to be called "Bosjesveld". In places one finds the green of vineyards and orchards in front of you, and directly behind you is the natural Karoo veldt.

I decided to share some of the beauty of our valley in this blog.

The familiar landscape that surrounds us as we drive home to Towerwater, is comforting in these strange times. The valley and Towerwater are a constant reminder that although things change, there will always be some that stay the same.