Since time immemorial, every Cape ‘opstal’ (farmstead) had a
coffee ‘konfoor’ in the ‘voorkamer’ (parlour). A ‘konfoor’ is a small round table
brazier that was used to keep a pot of coffee warm. It was usually made with
red or yellow copper or brass. The word ‘konfoor’ is used to describe the coffee
pot on the brazier as a complete item.
The F J Staal 'konfoor' and mug |
Naturally it was one of the first items we re-introduced for
a side-table in the ‘voorkamer’. When researching the history of the property I
also looked at the inventories of the Orphan Chamber, Cape Town Archives
The scene in the 'voorkamer' |
The inventories give one a good idea of the layout of houses
and properties in the 1700-1800’s. The inventories would identify and give the
positions of the various rooms of a house as well as those of the different
The unmarked 'konfoor' |
Decorative detail on the unmarked 'konfoor' |
Examining the inventories of farms in the area of our home Towerwater
aan de Breede, I found the following descriptions recorded in Dutch:
- MOOC8/21.2 - Inventory of Elsje Botha on 15 November 1794 - ‘Op
de plaats de Sanddrif - In t voorhuis - een kopere theekeetel en confoir’
- MOOC8/63.18a – Inventory of Beatrix Steyn and Jacobus
Frederik Steyn on 30 July 1817 – ‘Een leeningsplaats genaamd de Zanddrift
geleegen aan de Breede Rivier - een komphoor’
- MOOC8/27.30 – Inventory of Petronella Maria le Roux en Philip
Lodewijk Schalkwijk on 9 November 1808 – ‘Een leenings plaats gen:d Potjes
Kraal gel: aan de Breede Rivier – In t voothuis – een aarde komfoor’
- MOOC8/49.17a – Inventory of Matthijs de Jager en Maria
Elizabeth Steyn on 22 March 1782 – ‘een opstal staande op de leeningsplaats
gen:t de Paarde Cloof gelegen aan de Breede Rivier - 1 cop: comfoir’
The various inventories show us that the ‘konfoor’ was an
essential part of the Cape house and was traditionally found in the ‘voorkamer’
where guests would have been received.
The ‘konfoor’ was recorded in the inventories with several
different spellings. It seems that the vernacular tongue of the person
recording the inventory influenced how items were recorded. Some of the spellings,
with the year indicated in brackets, that I sourced were konfoort (1720),
konfoor (1723), konfoir (1818), komfoor (1717), komfoort (1720), komfoir (1787)
, confoor (1713),confoort (1715), comfoortje (1779), comfoort (1790), conphoor
(1799), konphoor (1808), comfoir (1761) and confoir (1784).
Stamp on the F J Staal 'konfoor' |
The F J Staal 'konfoor' |
Decorative detail on the F J Staal 'konfoor' |
My research has found that in nearly every inventory there
is mention of a ‘konfoor’ and that the years in which it is recorded seem
unrelated to the changes in the spelling. The different spellings of ‘konfoor,’
seem to be random. The chief influence appears to be the person recording the
inventory at that moment.
F J Staal 1857-1934 (Photo: The Cape Copper-Smith by Marius le Roux) |
There were several copper-smiths active in the Cape over
this period and right up to the early 20th Century. Perhaps the best
known copper-smith operating in Robertson, a town in the area established in
the 1850’s, was Frederik Johannes Staal. He had learnt the trade from his
father and in turn, had trained Thomas Christopher Falck who was his
The 'konfoor' and mug from left to right: lid, mug, urn, bag, konfoor and brazier |
According to the book The Cape Copper-Smith by Marius le
Roux published in 1981, Frederik Johannes Staal was born in Montagu in May 1857
and died in Robertson in 1934. After his
death some of his tools were bought by his apprentice T. C. Falck.
The coffee bag with its brass handle |
The coffee bag with its brass handle inside the urn with the lid off |
F. J. Staal manufactured coffee-pots, coffee-urns, konfore,
drinking mugs, water kettles and so on. No technical problem was too big for
him. He was commissioned to do the difficult job of sheathing the roof of the
local church steeple in copper plates. Undaunted by what seemed to be an
insurmountable obstacle he set off to Cape Town to recruit a sailor who had
many years’ experience of working high-up in the rigging of the tall masted
sailing ships. Between them they found a way to hoist the plates to the top of
the steeple where the sailor made short work of fixing them down.
The brazier part of the 'konfoor' |
When we were presented with the opportunity of acquiring a
F.J. Staal ‘konfoor’ and mug we hesitated. One of the last things we were
planning on buying was a second ‘konfoor’. But finding the ‘konfoor’ complete with
its brazier and flannel coffee bag with brass handle intact, we realised that
it was an opportunity that might not come our way again soon.
With our preference of acquiring antiques that were indisputably
made in the area, we did however have a long term desire to replace the
unstamped ‘konfoor’ in the ‘voorkamer’ with a F. J. Staal ‘konfoor’. Now the
‘voorkamer’ is graced with a ‘konfoor’ and mug made by the best known
copper-smith of the region and our F. J. Staal collection is complete, well I
think so.
The Cape Copper-Smith by Marius le Roux published by the Stellenbosch museum in 1981
Inventories of the Orphan Chamber Cape Town Archives Repository, South Africa
Fascinating this history of craftsmen plying their ancient trades at the Cape and the customs and practices that supported and recorded their work. Thanks for this most informative post.
ReplyDeleteGosh, you certainly do yr homework!
ReplyDeleteWe have an original TC Falck Konfoor but is missing the flannel bag , I don't suppose one could still get one ? It's also missing top brass knob on the lid
ReplyDeleteI am sure that a coppersmith will be able to make the flannel bag and the top brass knob for you. There are enough examples around of what they looked like to guide a skilled coppersmith. Somebody like Brass Restoration in Edgemead, Cape Town might be able to help. Tel: 021 559 2333
Wow, Thys! Very interesting. Well done on the thorough research. LOVE the konfoor, mug and lamp in your voorkamer. Regards - Frieda xx
ReplyDeleteThank you Frieda, I am glad you enjoyed the post.