Monday 15 September 2014

When your Garden gives you Lemons.....

The philosophy of the garden is that nearly everything must be edible or should at least be usable in one way or another. Specific seasons bring specific activities. Just after winter the citrus grove provides the fruit for preserving and bottling. This weekend I spend Sunday making lime and lemon cordial. A drink for hot summer days when the sour surprise of lemonade can be cooling and refreshing.

Citrus Harvest
Lemon cordial is part of the South African  Culinary landscape and it was always served to celebrate the end of the harvest or to refresh guests after they climed Table mountain.

Lemon Cordial
Lime Cordial

The Produce of my Sunday Labour

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful. I can already taste the lemon and lime cordials on a hot summer's afternoon (without the walk up Table Mountain). Keith


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