Thursday 9 July 2015

Vineyards in the Mist

Winter changes the whole valley. The once green patchwork landscape of orchards and vineyards becomes monochromatic and everything looks bare and cold. The mist comes into the valley like a blanket covering everything until about 12:00 nearly every day.

At leisure, we tend to stay out of the garden until it has dried out a bit after lunch.Winter is a time for renewal when all the old and dead wood gets pruned and the orchards and vineyards are left with a clean start for spring.

I love the different seasons in the valley. Spring is a fresh green, summer is a dark green, and autumn is in browns, reds and oranges with winter predominantly black and brown.

Driving through the valley in the early morning, anybody would forgive you for thinking that hobbits and magical creatures could appear at any moment out of the magical landscape created by the mist.

Winter Mist Haiku

Silent winter mist

with a guinea fowl call.

1 comment:

  1. What a contrast when compared with the hectic activity in the vineyards at harvest time as captured in your post, 'Cellarbrating the Grape' back in February.


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