Monday 6 October 2014

I met a Firecat in my Garden

Sunday morning was spent unblocking the sprinkler heads on the irrigation. Between watering cycles I decided to plant my Lemon Thyme, Golden Marjoram and my free gift from Stodels that looked like it wish it was somewhere else. I have to admit it wanted to be in the shade and I left it in the more than balmy sun on Saturday. I hope it is now happy behind the cottage in the shade garden.

Belonging to Stodels Garden club can be a problem, every month I get a free gift, normally a plant. Most of the time it is a very inappropriate plant for our garden and I walk away from Stodels with a new plant feeling that I was set up on a blind date dreading the experience. Will he like my house? what do I feed him, do we have the same interests?

I have a weakness, I cannot turn plants away and I will find a spot for them. The orphan Clivias I rescued from the dump are flowering! There they are with no leaves because I had to cut off the leaves to compensate for their loss of roots, pushing out flowers as if to say thank you for rescuing us.

As I walked to the herb garden a strange shape on the pips near the Seville caught my eye and the shape that was blending with the pips looked at me with a bored expression as if to say,Oh please go plant your little herbs  and it closed its eyes and carried on with its catnap. I wanted to say hey this is my garden but I know better then to argue with a Firecat.

The Firecat blending with the pips.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful word and picture images Thys, thanks. P.S. Cats always know the best spots.


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