Monday 13 October 2014

Blue Roses

True blue roses do not exist and the closest scientist  have come to growing a blue rose is lilac or mauve. This has not stopped us from creating a blue and burgundy section in the rosarium. In Rudyard Kipling's poem the Blue Roses it becomes the object of an impossible demand of a lover.


Burgundy Iceberg

Ellerines Rose

Blue Ribbon

Stormy Weather

Shakepeare said "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet" but I wish to differ no rose is the same in colour or fragrance and that is why a rosarium is so captivating.


  1. Beautifully captured Thys. Roses, tantalising to the senses and the imagination!

  2. So beautiful Thys - I'm so glad to see Veilchenblau amongst them!


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