Wednesday 6 April 2016

Autumn cleaning and preparation for Winter

After a long hot summer we decided to take advantage of the cooler days to effect some long overdue plaster repairs inside the house. With the voorkamer completed, Keith started work on the plasterwork in a bedroom while Shawn repainted sash windows.

The cottage dining chairs basking in the autumn sun
I decided to fumigate, dust, deep-clean and wash the inside of the cottage. The fumigation was intended for the fish moths that are destroying my books. I took the opportunity to air the furniture and wash the floors to have the cottage clean and fresh for Autumn and Winter.

The completed voorkamer
With the plasterwork completed in the bedroom it is up to Shawn and I to lime-wash the walls next weekend.

Autumn hydrangeas 
The delay in replacing and repairing the roofs of the cottages in Woodstock presented an opportunity for us to attend to some long overdue plasterwork at Towerwater. The smell of fresh lime-wash in the house provided for an unexpected added bonus of authenticity.

1 comment:

  1. I love hydrangeas. One can so easily dismiss them when the splendour of the Christmas blooms begin to fade, only to be amazed yet again months later when the same blooms take on their splendid autumn hues.


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