Monday 23 March 2015

Contemplating “Korrelkonfyt”

After picking the last of the Hanepoot I was left with more grapes than I could eat and I decided to make korrelkonfyt. This grape jam is delicious when served on a warm slice of homemade bread spread thick with farm butter. The honey like syrup will draw into the bread and permeate it with the rich flavour of the sweet Hanepoot.

Fresh Hanepoot
Nothing comes close to snoek and korrelkonfyt, two of the best treats in the Cape. Fresh snoek from the West Coast caught in the month of May, June, July or August when the flesh is firm served with Hanepoot korrelkonfyt from the Winelands.

Fresh Korrelkonfyt
An old recipe for korrelkonfyt suggested that one adds three or four fig leaves to enhance the flavour of the jam.

The jam had the aroma of green fig preserve after I added the fig leaves. I removed the fig leaves just before I bottled the jam.

And like my sister assured me the pips floated to the top for easy removal. Only a few pips remained but I gathered that it can only enhance the character of the korrelkonfyt.

With seven jars of korrelkonfyt in my cupboard I will be able to enjoy the flavour of this summer fruit late into winter.


  1. Old Cape treats are such a special delight. I can almost see that serving of snoek prepared over the coals served with sweet potato home-made bread and of course, the korrelkonfyt.


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