Sunday 10 May 2015

Last of the Summer Vegetables

On Saturday I picked the last Brinjals before taking out the plants. There was a possibility of another two crops but I needed to prepare the bed for the winter crops. The Brinjals produced profusely and I will definitely plant them again in summer.

I might try other varieties like the white, green or even the graffiti (a pink and purple speckled variety). Philip sent me a photo he took in Paris of the graffiti variety and it is amazing.

The courgettes are still going strong as well as the Swiss chard. Beetroot and carrots are coming into season with the violet and green cauliflower, the purple broccoli, rhubarb, peas, red and brown onions, pink and white garlic, rocket and Brussel sprouts all showing a lot of promise.

Beds of new Vegetables
With the last of the summer harvest in the house I look forward to the winter produce.

1 comment:

  1. I love the promise of winter produce captured in the lovely image of the veggie garden.


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