Wednesday 6 May 2015

Four Seasons in a Tea Box

As a birthday present I went to a tea merchant and had four different exclusive teas blended for Keith. I wanted to capture the things he enjoys most, tea, Towerwater and Vivaldi.  The Towerwater Teas represented the four seasons on the property. I had a Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter blend.

The Tea Box
The teas were individually packed and put in an exclusive tea box that I designed.

The four blends were presented as follows.

Spring Blend

Spring at Towerwater is a celebration of new life filled with expectation of visual feasts. To celebrate this season a blend of Darjeerling , Kenyan and Ceylon tea was chosen. The blend fuses the rich honey and caramel like flavour with a subtle fruity finish of the Kenyan, the astringent muscatel flavour and the aroma of the spring picked Darjeerling and the full flavour of the Ceylon. a religion of the art of life.  ~Okakura

Summer Blend

Summer at Towerwater is infused with bright colours and fragrances. China Rose Black tea was the perfect choice to celebrate this season. China Rose Black tea is infused with rose petals that give this black tea a lovely aromatic and floral character.

If man has no tea in him, he is incapable of understanding truth and beauty.  ~Japanese Proverb

Four Seasons Tea
Autumn Blend

Autumn at Towerwater is a season filled with the fragrance of the end of the harvest and the last flushes of flowers. To celebrate this season a blend of Java OP Malabar and Pavanga Orange Pekoe was chosen. The Malabar has a slightly sweet flavour and is low in tannins while Orange Pekoe has a rich “forest like” scent with a hint of bitterness and a sweet finish flavour.

Tea is liquid wisdom.  ~Anonymous

Winter Blend

Winter at Towerwater is characterised by the textures in the garden and old architecture. Traditional Blend tea was the perfect choice to celebrate this season. Traditional Blend is a treasure for connoisseurs, produced to a traditional recipe. The blend only uses the highest quality leaf tea.

Strange how a teapot can represent at the same time the comforts of solitude and the pleasures of company.  ~Author Unknown

1 comment:

  1. ... For everything there is a season... and in every season there is tea! A reason to live methinks.


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