Tuesday 5 January 2016

Through the Eyes of a Child

I feel like a child when I am at Towerwater where I am constantly surprised and filled with the wonder of this place.

Cottage from the vegetable garden
I know that much is thanks to our hard work of nearly 25 years that we can now enjoy this amazing place. But I believe nature and a higher hand takes all the planning, planting, building and creating and transforms it into something magical and enchanted.

Bougainvillea hedge in the orchard
The truest compliment for what we created always comes from the purest hearts. The Wolff boys have a way of enjoying the place and relating their experience that makes me more aware of its pure magic.

A handmade Christmas card from 7 year old Oscar sums up his experience of the place.

The boys are constantly exploring and discovering and with boisterous running, chasing and swinging, the garden comes alive with their sheer enjoyment and pleasure.  When the day gets too hot, the activities calm down to drawing sessions in the shade of the old oak tree.

Five-year old Samuel is more geared-up for mischief and on a hot afternoon he was trying to distract his older brother from drawing by jumping around in front of the subject of the drawing. This time it was the East façade of the house. He would come over to where his brother was sitting and drawing, look at which aspect of the façade his brother was drawing then he would run back and jump around that part of the building, pulling faces.

The East facade drawn by Oscar (7)
Oscar would quietly keep on drawing with his brother desperately trying to distract him. With the drawing complete he will proudly present it as a gift and we are privileged to see the property through the eyes of a 7 year old boy.

I sometimes wish that I can see my world with a pure and innocent heart again but we are lucky enough to have glimpses of it in the drawings of the Wolff pack.


  1. With the mask of Darth Vader lurking in the back of the east facade... #welcometothedarkside.

  2. Die seun het talent..laat dit druk as n pragtige kaartjie


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