Monday 9 February 2015

Colourful Harvest

The days are getting shorter and I am starting to arrive home in the last sunlight of the day. The magic of the position of the sun is that the last rays of the day comes in through the bedroom window and shines through the dining room into the kitchen.

The Last Ray of  Sun
The garden is in peak production mode adding nuts to the selection of vegetables and fruit available. There is currently Bright Lights chard adding colour with their bright yellow, orange, red, pink and purple stems not to be outdone by the yellow, orange, red and purple tomatoes. 

An Abundant Harvest

The Hanepoot grapes are turning a golden honey colour and are so sweet that it burns your throat. If one could taste the seasons, Summer would taste like Hanepoot grapes.

With grapes, pears and plums for fruit and the leeks, peppers, tomatoes, chard and aubergines adding to the vegetable selection the almond picking was a sheer luxury.

I am always amazed at the variety of produce our small garden can produce. I believe the success lies in the way we planned it. The rule for the garden is that everything should be usable in the house and garden be it for insect sprays, medicinal or culinary purposes.

The harvest on Sunday was a visual feast and a treat for the taste buds.


  1. An astonishing variety and volume. Nature's bounty can be so generous that one may forget the lean months that lay ahead.

  2. Simply a stunning array of bounty from your garden! However I must take humorous issue with Keith's statement about the lean months that lay ahead. Having been the very lucky recipient of Thy's fabulous cooking throughout the seasons, I can attest that their is no way that there's a lean month at Towerwater! Maybe the offerings from the garden may be in that category, but my waistline certainly doesn't follow in that fashion! ;-) Simply the best food in the Western Cape is created in the lovely kitchen pictured above. And it isn't just the sunlight that creates such a soft glow but the love Keith and Thys have for Towerwater and the family and friends they so generously and graciously invite to share in all its beauty. Susan Cashin

    1. Thank you Susan that is very kind of you. :)

  3. Absolute beautiful !! And yummy! Well done!!


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