Monday 2 February 2015

What a Nice Day for a Daydream

A drizzly Saturday gave me an opportunity to go to Montagu to buy some Kraal manure for the vegetable beds when they need to be prepared for the new planting in February.

I stopped at the bookshop and I am proud to say that I resisted buying any books although I considered one or two.

At the antique shop in Ashton I was not that lucky and went home with a lamp that needs restoration.

At home I enjoyed the garden in a cool  cloudy setting. Week one of the Mole Pole and no sign of new mole activity. I will be very happy if it works.

Crinum Moorei
The Crinum Moorei or Natal lily is starting to flower and the moon flower is happily coming into its third flush.

The Moonflower creating a Spetacle
The sweet sent of the wild ginger was strong in the cool air as I walked along the pipped pathway in the herb garden. Unfortunately it is its last season in the garden as it needs to make way for real ginger that I can harvest. Some advice, always buy your herbs from a reputable grower and avoid disappointment like I had with the ginger and angelica.

Wild Ginger Lily
With the rain softly enfolding the garden I could retreat into the library with a glass of Pinot Noir and do some armchair traveling and dream some nice daydreams.

A Welcome Visitor to the Cool Garden
A clear and hot Sunday morning was spent harvesting, assessing current plants coming to the end of their season and planning the February planting and sowing schedule.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing how a cool day can let the garden feel soft and refreshed. Lovely dreamy images. Thanks.


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