Sunday 9 August 2015

A Different Light

The season is changing. I can hear it in the excited chirping of the birds in the morning and I see it in their energetic hunt for food in the garden. The early sun is once again streaming into the kitchen in the morning, a clear indication that the sun’s course is shifting.

There is a different kind of light to the day and definitely a different energy in the garden. The cold bite has gone out of the dawn and the heavily misted mornings that only give way to the sun around midday are becoming less frequent. These are perfect days for getting up early and for enjoying some refreshing country walks.

Of course I cannot walk without my camera and I love the opportunity a walk presents for capturing the detail of my life.


  1. Enjoy the joy spring brings. It is contagious fortunately.

    1. I agree Cheryl the birds start chirping when its still dark as if they can't wait for the sun to rise so that they can flit about the garden.

  2. While there are these welcome signs of Spring, particularly in the northern parts of the country, we know from experience that in the Cape it may be some time yet before we 'feel it on the skin'.


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