Sunday 9 August 2015

The Old Almond Tree on Route R317

Between the towns of Robertson and Bonnievale there grows an ancient almond tree that just takes my breath away when it blossoms every year. I do not know what happens to the almonds but I am sure that many a pedestrian travelling that route finds sustenance in its fruit.

The tree is even more spectacular in the light of the full moon - shining with a white reflected light in the dark landscape.

I love photographing it and being surrounded by the sweet smell of almond blossoms while listening to the electric buzzing of the bees going from blossom to blossom busily collecting pollen and nectar.

I am glad that I could capture its visual beauty with my camera because I do not have the words to describe it.

That almond tree must have an amazing story, how the almond that it sprouted from got there and how it managed to survive all these years. The almond tree is not telling but I am happy to have it as a milestone on my way home as it punctuates the four seasons in its life stages every year.

The almond tree is the harbinger of the glorious magic of spring in the valley for me.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Clare , I wish I could include the smell on the blog.

  2. The joys of imminent Spring

    1. I think Spring is nature's way of showing off.

  3. I love the notion of those familiar landmarks that not only act as milestones but which also'punctuate' the seasons. Beautiful post.


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