Thursday 29 October 2015

Purple Carrots and Orange Beetroot

Old familiars in a different hue
Carrots and beetroot are a constant in the vegetable garden. They are just so easy to grow, colourful and so versatile. From salads, roasting, preserving and juicing one can introduce them with every meal.

Since I discovered the pleasure of vegetable juices, I really enjoy the potential of the vegetable garden. Discovering the different varieties and colours has transformed the beetroot and carrot beds into colourful experiments.

Orange Beetroot
I enjoy the orange beetroot, purple, orange, yellow, white and red carrots and how they can brighten up a plate of food.

Mixed Carrots
Apart from beets and beetroot juice being able to improve athletic performance, lower blood pressure and increase blood flow, researchers at Wake Forest University (USA) have found that drinking beetroot juice can improve the oxygenation of the brain, slowing the progression of dementia in older adults. I need to explore these studies further. I love beetroot juice and if it is going to help me maintain a healthy mind, I will plant another bed of this beneficial root vegetable.

The health benefits of carrots include reduced cholesterol, prevention of heart attacks, warding off of certain cancers, improving vision, and reducing the signs of premature aging. Furthermore, carrots have the ability to improve the health of your skin, boost the immune system, improve digestion, increase cardiovascular health, detoxify the body, and boost oral health in a variety of ways.  They also provide a well-rounded influx of vitamins and minerals. (Source:

Cooked Orange Beetroot

It seems that with beet and carrots in the garden I can really get down to the root of healthy eating.

1 comment:

  1. Myself still not sure whether I am too keen on purple carrots, but must agree, it would make a plate very attractive. think I need to follow the beetroot juice regime.... want to keep my brain cells active too, thanks!


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