Thursday 15 January 2015

Tomatoes for Tomorrow

In summer when the garden is producing Tomatoes faster than we can eat them one tends to forget those days when you can’t walk into the garden to pick ingredients for a quick salad. With dried fruit and vegetable factories in abundance in neighbouring Montagu  I decided to preserve some sundried Tomatoes for future salad days.

Delicious Sun-dried Tomatoes
I suppose I should try and dry my own tomatoes but not being here all the time makes it a bit difficult. I preserved the sundried Tomatoes in oil and cannot wait to make some Italian and Spanish tapas for future suppers.

Sun-dried Tomatoes in Olive Oil

1 comment:

  1. Olive oil soaked sundried tomatoes will be a treat to liven many-a-dish beyond tomatoe season. Clever planning Thys!


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